Keywords: banking supervision, prudential supervision, on-site and off-site inspections, central bank, transformation and reform


The work is dedicated to the issue of the birth, formation and transformation of banking supervision of the country's independent banking system, the introduction of new models of supervision and regulation of the activities of participants in the banking sector. The author investigated the theoretical, structural and organizational motives for using a certain model of supervision for each period of its development, determined the sufficiency of the existing structure for the implementation of the supervisory function of the National Bank of Ukraine - the achievement of the main goal of banking regulation and supervision - the safety and financial stability of the banking system, protection of the interests of depositors and creditors commercial banks. During the research, the author singled out the reasons for the reform of banking supervision, among which for the period of the mid-90s he emphasized the intensive growth of banking institutions, which falls on this period, the change and expansion of forms of ownership of capital, the introduction of more effective and timely control over compliance with economic standards, the introduction of international accounting standards in Ukraine, the need for structural strengthening of banking supervision departments in territorial administrations and the expansion of their supervision area, a wider geographical distribution of banks as legal entities, territorial coordination and organization of banking supervision, insufficient methodological support for both control and functioning of banking spheres. The structure of banking supervision that operates today is a product of the use of IT technologies, the wide implementation of fin-tech: modern computer technologies affect the change of old entrenched methods of control in various spheres of life. High-speed information transmission channels, independent cloud information storage technologies, high-quality video surveillance, easy access to workplaces and data storage facilities of controlled objects allowed for effective on-site monitoring of the work of banking institutions, which affected the quality of supervision, the quality of transparency and compliance with supervision tolerance. Factors that may affect the further reform of banking supervision are noted in the work.


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How to Cite
Nahornyi, P. (2024). TRANSFORMATIONAL APPROACHES TO THE REFORM OF BANKING SUPERVISION. Transformational Economy, (2 (07), 55-62.