Keywords: enterprise, assets, financial management, asset management, financial mechanism


The relevance of the chosen topic of scientific research is determined by the fact that the enterprise asset management system is rightly considered to be one of the most important components of financial management of business entities in general and a key to improving the efficiency of any of them. However, today the issue of enterprise asset management as a whole, and not in the context of its individual components, such as non-current and current assets, is covered in the scientific literature at a rather low level. The article examines the scientific concepts of defining the essential characteristics of assets, such as: objects of ownership, accounting, management, investment and economic potential. At the regulatory and legal level, assets are interpreted as resources controlled by an enterprise as a result of past events, the use of which is expected to lead to economic benefits in the future. The essence of the definition of enterprise asset management is disclosed. The concept of "enterprise asset management" is understood as a system of principles and methods for developing and implementing management decisions related to their optimal formation from various sources, as well as ensuring their efficient use in various types of economic activities of an enterprise. The gradual evolution of the theory and practice of asset management is studied. The definition of enterprise asset management policy is provided. The stages of the enterprise asset management process and the principles that should be followed in its implementation are named and characterized. The article considers the importance of applying the financial mechanism of enterprise asset management and provides its definition. The structure of the financial mechanism of enterprise asset management is considered and its individual elements are characterized, such as: financial relations of enterprise, subjects, objects, goals and objectives of management, tools of the management process (financial methods, levers and instruments), ensuring the management process (information, legal and regulatory) and the system for evaluating management decisions on enterprise asset management. Further research will focus on studying the process of enterprise asset management on the basis of a specific business entity.


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How to Cite
Nikolchuk, J., & Drach, A. (2024). FINANCIAL MECHANISM FOR MANAGING THE COMPANY’S ASSETS. Transformational Economy, (2 (07), 63-70.