Keywords: hair dye industry, hair dye products, safety, influencing factors, natural dyes


The purpose of the article is to study the complex of factors that affect the dynamics of the volume of production of hair dyes. Therefore, the article presents the results of several studies on the harm to the body of hair dyes and the probability of developing allergic reactions and cancer, trends in the dye industry market until 2030, the share of women and men in the use of dyes. The composition, properties and professional effect of permanent and natural dyes on hair were also investigated, the advantages of artificial ingredients included in cosmetic products were determined, and current problems of the safety of dyes were considered. Well-known brands are not an example of best practice, as the high quality rating of their paints falls sharply in the toxicological evaluation. For this purpose, information is provided about well-known brands of hair dyes, their advantages and disadvantages. Emphasis is placed on the importance of using natural plant-based dyes when dyeing hair, as well as dyes from domestic manufacturers, which always take into account factors affecting the market. The economic aspect of the growth of the global production of hair dye by 7.5% annually can be characterized as the growth of consumer interest in changing their appearance, experimenting with colors and, accordingly, the appearance of additional palettes. However, this annual global growth in the production of hair dyes is predicted mainly due to such an important factor as the aging of the population and the interest in choosing natural and light colors by women. Therefore, professional hair care products are unique products that must be used correctly, without harm to health and with obtaining the desired result. When choosing such cosmetics, it is advisable to trust serious brands with a good reputation, which are constantly working to improve product quality and safety. The factors which are affecting the global paint industry also reflected in the range of domestic manufacturers. In particular, the manufacturer "ASME" is one of the largest manufacturers of cosmetic products in Ukraine. His range of hair dyes can be conditionally divided into three groups: stable, premium class, with herbal extracts.


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How to Cite
Sapotnitska, N., & Kucheruk, N. (2024). THE TRENDS ON HAIR DYES MARKET: DAMAGE, NEED AND TREND. Transformational Economy, (2 (07), 83-88.