Keywords: national economy, innovative and informational changes, research principles, methodology, methodological tools


The article is devoted to the construction of a methodological toolkit for the study of innovation and information processes, taking into account the peculiarities of their implementation in the national economy of the country. The relevance of the study of information and innovation changes as a decisive factor in the development of the national economy in the conditions of modern transformational transformations has been proven. The need to improve the methodological foundations of the research of innovative and informational changes of the national economy is substantiated. The role played by the methodology in the formation of a set of research approaches and methods that allow to ensure the completeness, correctness and quality of its results, as well as the possibility of their practical application is proved. The components of the research methodology of innovative and informational changes of the national economy are considered. It was found that such components are orientational, functional and instrumental components. As part of the orientation component, the goal, task, object, subject and principles of research are defined. It was established that the research of innovative and informational changes should be aimed at the formation of strategic guidelines in this area. It should provide for the solution of a number of research tasks related to the assessment of indicators of innovative and informational changes, their typology, determination of the impact on the national economy and its functioning, outline of directions for management of innovative and informational changes. An analysis of the principles of the research of innovative and informational changes was carried out, it was proposed to divide the set of principles into fundamental, general scientific and specific ones. The list of principles was supplemented with such specific principles as the principle of multicomponentity, temporality, determinism, and reactivity. A methodological toolkit for evaluating innovative and informational changes and choosing the most effective methods of influencing their progress has been formed. The main stages of the research within the framework of the functional component of the methodology are defined. Among them are: the selection of indicators and the formation of a set of evaluation indicators of innovative and informational changes, the analysis of a set of evaluation indicators, classification and typology of innovative and informational changes, their generalized assessment, the study of cause-and-effect relationships and impacts, forecasting expected results. The main methods, the use of which is expedient at each stage of the research, are defined.


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