Keywords: restoration, geopolitical changes, assistance, European Union, NATO, full-scale invasion, political and geographical situation, Ukraine, SWOT analysis


The main purpose of the study is to investigate the transformational changes in the political and geographical position of Ukraine in the global geographical space with the further goal of determining the promising vectors of its geopolitical progress. The systematization of literary sources and approaches to solving the problem suggests that the realities of the present dictate new needs in the analysis and assessment of key and promising vectors of the geopolitical progress of our state in the light of the threats that arose with the beginning of a full-scale invasion. The urgency of solving this scientific problem lies in the fact that in modern realities Ukraine, by its example, has strengthened the adoption by the world community of civilizational values and forms an irreversible process of awareness by many countries of the world of the priorities of human development, the importance of protecting freedom and justice, which, in turn, requires the disclosure of key aspects that would determine the country's foreign policy, its security and economic development in the international context. The scientific search is carried out in the following logical sequence: analysis of the main economic consequences of the war, the share of financial expenditures of the countries of the world to help Ukraine in comparison with other military conflicts, the primary national geopolitical interests of Ukraine at the present stage and the main obstacles to the country's recovery processes, SWOT analysis of the prospects of Ukraine's accession to the EU and the prospects for joining NATO. The methodological tool of the study is a comprehensive study of geopolitical and transformational changes and phenomena in the political and geographical position of Ukraine in their relations and relationships. The object of the study is the political and geographical position of Ukraine in the context of the threats that arose with the beginning of a full-scale invasion and the prospects for its further geopolitical progress in the post-conflict period. The study empirically confirms and theoretically proves that the search for a strategy and model of recovery and assistance to Ukraine should be formed in such a way that they immediately fit into European institutions, given the officially approved prospect of Ukraine's membership in the EU, which is already becoming one of the key factors in attracting new investors to modernize the Ukrainian economy and reveal its growth potential.


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How to Cite
Stelmakh, V., Melnyk, N., Yerko, I., & Slaschuk, A. (2024). GEOPOLITICAL TRANSFORMATION PROCESSES AS A DOMINANT FACTOR OF UKRAINE’S PROGRESS IN THE POST-CONFLICT PERIOD. Transformational Economy, (2 (07), 102-108.