The article proves that the content of the transformation of regional development is the process of continuous adjustment of its functional state directed by the economic system, as a result of which the regime of unstable intra-systemic dynamic equilibrium is ensured in the economic system and, thus, the evolutionary nature of its movement. It was determined that the starting point in the search for regularities in the formation of spatial relationships in the economic system is the study of the structure of the system's movement in the unity of the forms of its manifestation: reproduction, development, as well as the corresponding natural-economic and economic spaces, in particular the space of socio-economic development. The purpose and task of the study of transformational processes is defined as the study of the movement of the economic system in the relationship of its possible forms: reproduction, reproduction and development; studying the economic mechanism through learning about the self-organization of the economic system; identifying the direction of qualitative changes in the economic system during the implementation of the initial data; identifying the direction of qualitative changes in the economic system during the implementation of the initial impulses of its development. In this regard, systemic, synergistic and evolutionary approaches seem to be the most promising in solving the tasks. It is considered timely to develop principles and methodological approaches to the organization of regional monitoring based on integral indicators that take into account the effects of spatial transformation of regional natural and economic systems, as well as to identify the content and structure of spatial analysis of their current state. The issue of the interaction of the natural-economic space and the space of socio-economic development is considered within the framework of the "transaction-form" model of spatial relationships. The following methods and tools are used in the article: analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization, system analysis and benchmarking. ESG-transformation touches on the main aspect of strategizing, which is given great attention in the national school of strategizing academician V.L. Quinta: for the successful implementation of the strategy, the strategic priorities must take into account all the interests of the actors. It has been proven that in the new conditions, one of the promising areas of further research can be the subject of assessing the impact on the speed of ESG-standards implementation by light industry and fashion industry companies.
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