Keywords: entrepreneurship, agrarian entrepreneurship, enterprises, institutional conditions, competition, foreign economic activity, cooperation, cooperatives, integration, international economic integration, strategy, martial law conditions


The article examines the theoretical essence of the concept of «entrepreneurship» and reveals the views of domestic scientists regarding this term. The importance of international economic integration, which affects the socio-economic development of the country, international relations and the lives of people around the world, is studied. In the presented work, the author defines the necessary conditions for the development of agrarian entrepreneurship to ensure international economic integration. The dynamics of the number of active economic entities by the scope of their activities in Ukraine during 2018-2022 were analyzed. The prospects for the activities of large enterprises were outlined and key problems that restrained the development of small entrepreneurship were identified. It has been established that the effective functioning of enterprises depends on the presence of highly professional and sufficiently motivated employees. Achieving such a result is impossible without adequate funding. It is proven that the state should create a favorable institutional environment for the development of small entrepreneurship by improving the current legislation, the mechanism for the distribution of subsidies and state support. The advantages of cooperation are highlighted and the institutional and legal basis for the formation and functioning of cooperatives in Ukraine is indicated. According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, an analysis of the dynamics of the number of agricultural cooperatives was carried out during 2018-2022. The negative factors that affected the development of agrarian entrepreneurship after the full-scale invasion of the aggressor country into the territory of Ukraine are presented. It is noted that due to the blocking of sea ports, domestic farmers have limited opportunities to freely export grown agricultural products abroad. A number of strategies have been proposed that will improve the situation in Ukraine in the conditions of martial law and post-war reconstruction, will contribute to priority demining of land, increase the level of employment of the rural population, and increase the competitiveness of commodity producers through cooperation with the countries of the European Union, the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Asia, etc.


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