The article deals with topical issues of strategic priorities for solving global problems of overcoming geopolitical and energy crises by reducing energy dependence through the development of alternative energy. Green hydrogen is considered as one of the promising solutions for achieving the goals of decarbonization of the economy, promoting the development of renewable energy sources, increasing the flexibility of the energy system and ensuring the energy security of countries. It found that the transition to a green hydrogen economy was enshrined in the European Hydrogen Strategy, which is part of the legal framework for the European Green Deal, which aims to make Europe climate neutral by 2050. By synchronizing its policies with the EU, Ukraine also intends to achieve climate neutrality. The authors conducted a content analysis of strategic initiatives for the development of the hydrogen economy in various countries of the world and in Ukraine. The main directions of hydrogen policy, programs and projects implemented at the state level are considered, and key factors affecting the development of the hydrogen economy are also determined. . Special attention is paid to the comparison of national strategies with an emphasis on Ukraine and the analysis of challenges and prospects for the development of hydrogen energy in modern conditions. It has been proven that the territory of Ukraine can become a platform for the production of hydrogen not only for its own needs in clean energy, but also for export to the European Union market. It was determined that the development of the hydrogen industry in Ukraine primarily requires state support in the form of legislation harmonized with European standards. It is emphasized that the development of hydrogen energy is a necessary element of the post-war recovery of the country, which must take place taking into account the principles of the "green" economy, and the positioning of Ukraine in the new global hydrogen economy must first of all take into account national interests.
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