Keywords: agrarian entrepreneurship, model of agrarian entrepreneurship, institutional transformations, complexity


The purpose of the study is the determination of the state of entrepreneurship development as an institution for ensuring the effective development of the agrarian sector and the structural aspect of the agrarian entrepreneurship model. The enterprise in the agrarian sector of the economy is considered as one of the institutions of the gradual development of agrarian production on an innovative basis, as an instrument of structural restructuring and stimulation of transformational changes in the process of adaptation of agriculture to the conditions of the market economy. The study examines macroeconomic and institutional aspects of structural challenges in the development of organizational and economic forms of agrarian entrepreneurship. Additionally, it highlights trends such as the increasing concentration of production resources in agriculture. A conclusion is made about the complexity of agrarian management structures in the modern period. A feature of the modern model of agrarian entrepreneurship is the simultaneous functioning of various forms, which include farms, medium-sized privately owned agricultural enterprises, agricultural production and service cooperatives, large enterprises of the corporate (holding) type, as well as state enterprises. Furthermore, the study identifies the primary advantages and disadvantages of various forms of agrarian entrepreneurship. The article proves that the prospects of agrarian entrepreneurship in the conditions of modern institutional transformations are connected with the preservation of its existing forms, their support and approval, because the rational structure of the agricultural sector, according to the theory of multiple systems, is formed by the equal development of different systems that complement one another. The model of agrarian entrepreneurship will be determined by the strategy of the national agrarian policy, the totality of the action of global and national macroeconomic factors, and the effectiveness of the management of economic entities.


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How to Cite
Livinskyi, A., Melnychuk, O., & Petrenko, O. (2024). MACROECONOMIC AND INSTITUTIONAL ASPECTS OF THE AGRICULTURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT MODEL. Transformational Economy, (2 (07), 130-135.