The topic of the article becomes relevant in accordance with the needs of effective and accelerated recovery of the national economy. The accumulation of the potential of management technologies of urban development, the introduction of smart technologies in pre-war times is determined. A number of problems and conflicting issues that took place in the forecasting and planning procedures of socio-economic development of cities are outlined, namely: the uncertainty of plans from the point of view of the development of production forces and the corresponding specialization of territories; hiddenness, opacity of resource provision of the economy of regions, cities, territorial communities; groundlessness of national and regional models of economic development in accordance with the European movement vector; the uncertainty of the standards of technological and scientific and technical development, the absence of national plans and forecasts of the technological, innovative future for the spheres of activity; lack of understanding of the national interests of the economy and social sphere in basic state projects and programs; elimination in studies of the uniqueness of industry, underestimation of the industrial sector from the position of its city-forming factors; focus on the leveling of economic potential, underestimation of safety, environmental, investment and innovation factors; devaluation of state regulation in matters of placement of production forces, undeveloped principles of placement of productive forces in the conditions of the information economy, conducting military operations on the territory of the country; lack of a target state forecast for the development of the national economy based on the balance of interests of regions, industries and business; weakness of the combination of sectoral and territorial planning; weak connection with science and underestimation of scientific and technological progress; actual lack of scientifically based medium-term and long-term financial support for plans and forecasts; focus on short-term image effects, blurred indicators of the level of satisfaction with life of residents. Areas and indicators of the influence of forecasting, planning and scenario development of cities on the national economy of Ukraine are systematized.
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