Keywords: fiscal policy, restoration paradigm, concept of economic modernization, stimulating fiscal policy, restraining fiscal policy, economic transformations


The article analyses the conceptual and methodological aspects of studying the processes of post-war recovery and modernization of economies on the example of countries that have been affected by armed conflicts and have demonstrated successful approaches to economic recovery. These approaches include tax reforms, implementation of investment programs, digitalization of economic processes and support for innovation. The importance of integrating this experience into the development of the Ukrainian model of post-war reconstruction is highlighted. The focus is on the role of fiscal policy in ensuring economic recovery, as well as on the study of the historical experience of countries that have successfully overcome the consequences of significant destruction. The author considers the impact of fiscal policy on socio-economic stability, resource mobilization and creation of preconditions for sustainable development. It is determined that the effectiveness of fiscal policy largely depends on the ability of governments to adapt it to the specific conditions of the war and post-war periods. The author analyses the main measures aimed at stimulating economic growth, fighting inflation, supporting vulnerable groups and restoring critical infrastructure. The importance of stimulus fiscal policy in times of crisis is also discussed. This approach includes increasing social spending, stimulating demand, and attracting investment. At the same time, the risks are analyzed, including the possibility of corruption and a growing budget deficit. The article also emphasizes the role of restraining policies to prevent economic overheating during the recovery period. The article presents a systematization of fiscal policy objectives, instruments and principles for the stages of post-war recovery and modernization. In the post-war period, the priority tasks are to restore infrastructure, support the population and stabilize the economy, while in the modernization phase, the focus is on stimulating innovation, attracting investment and international integration. The author emphasizes the importance of transparency, fairness and flexibility of fiscal policy for achieving long-term economic growth and sustainable development.


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