Keywords: development of smart cities, territory marketing, regional image, sustainable development of regions


The evolution of cities into sustainable and intelligent structures has come a long way thanks to the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). This study systematically analyzes 133 scientific articles published between 2014 and 2021, mainly from Scopus (90%) and WoS (70%). Focusing on key areas of smart cities, such as healthcare, education, environment, waste management, mobility, agriculture, risk management, and security, the analysis explores the application of AI. The proliferation of AI for operational automation, data-driven decision-making, and environmental improvement is leading to regulatory challenges that include issues related to privacy, discrimination in service provision, and ethical considerations. The impact of AI adoption, especially in healthcare after the 2019 global health crisis, is emphasized, highlighting the key role of AI algorithms such as ANN, RNN/LSTM, CNN/R-CNN, DNN, and SVM/LS-SVM in shaping the trajectories of cities. This study provides insights into the multifaceted implications of AI in smart cities, offering a comprehensive overview of the benefits, challenges, and transformative potential of these technologies in various sectors of the urban environment. The development of smart cities based on the integration of AI and IP creates new opportunities for territory marketing and strategic development of regions. The use of advanced technologies not only improves the comfort and efficiency of residents' lives, but also makes regions more attractive for investment and business, which contributes to the growth of economic potential. Implementation of innovative solutions to optimize urban services helps to create the image of a progressive region capable of providing modern living and business conditions. Strategic development with an emphasis on environmental friendliness, safety and quality of services creates a competitive advantage for regions, attracting new residents and talent. Thus, smart cities are becoming an important factor in the long-term strategy of economic growth and sustainable development of regions, increasing their attractiveness at the global level.


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