Keywords: economic security of an enterprise, mechanism, diagnostics, integral index, monitoring


The article solves the urgent task of developing and substantiating a mechanism for diagnosing the economic security of an enterprise. The object of research is the economic security of an enterprise. The subject of the study is the theoretical and practical aspects of building a mechanism for diagnosing the economic security of an enterprise. The purpose of the study is to develop a comprehensive mechanism for diagnosing the economic security of enterprises that will meet the modern requirements of the business environment. It is noted that managing diagnostic processes is a complex and complex task, so developing a clear procedure for the sequence of actions for diagnosing the economic security status is an important task. The developed mechanism includes not only the mandatory stages of diagnostics, from analysis to diagnosis, but also management actions that will be based on methodological, organizational, and resource support, including monitoring and control of actions, and compliance with strategic and tactical plans for the development of the enterprise. The developed mechanism is a multi-level interaction system between analytical, organizational, and executive support units. The diagnostic mechanism has been improved in terms of analytical support through the use of the model of the integrated index for assessing the level of economic security (IES), which allows for identifying the danger states of an enterprise. The diagnostic mechanism consists of blocks and processes for scanning, data cleaning, analytics, forecasting, planning management actions, evaluating their effectiveness, executing, monitoring, and correcting management actions, which increases the accuracy of diagnostics and the correctness of management processes. The clear interaction of functional blocks ensures flexibility, transparency, efficiency, effectiveness, and optimality of decisions to stabilize the enterprise. The chosen distribution of blocks by functional features ensures clarity and logic of the mechanism as a whole and also allows to distribute and assignment of tasks and processes to the relevant employees and departments of the enterprise. The mechanism for diagnosing the economic security of an enterprise is the main tool for ensuring the process of assessing and managing the security status.


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