Keywords: innovation potential, industry 4.0, digitalisation, automation, digital technologies


The article examines the essence and transformation of the category of “innovation potential” in the context of the introduction of Industry 4.0 technologies, such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, big data, robotics and automation. Particular attention is paid to the new challenges of the digital era that require a rethinking of classical approaches to innovation management. The innovation potential, which has traditionally been defined through the resources of an enterprise, is expanding due to digital competencies, adaptability, speed of innovation and the ability to use advanced technologies.The author considers the structure of innovation potential, which includes intellectual, technological, organizational and digital resources. The author analyzes the role of digital technologies in enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises, in particular, the use of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things platforms and automated control systems. It is emphasized that the integration of innovative technologies changes not only business processes, but also affects the organizational structure, management models and development strategies. The article emphasizes the importance of preparing human capital to work in the digital economy. In particular, it refers to the need to develop digital skills and competencies, create corporate training centers, and adapt educational programs to the needs of the labor market. The author also considers the importance of innovation culture as an important element of realization of innovation potential, which can stimulate creative thinking and flexibility of employees. The author proposes the concept of innovation ecosystems that bring together enterprises, research institutions, startups, government agencies and investors to achieve a synergistic effect. The role of state support in creating favorable conditions for innovation is considered, in particular through tax incentives, grant funding, creation of technology parks and business incubators. The author concludes that the transformation of innovation potential in the context of Industry 4.0 is necessary for the sustainable development of enterprises and economies in general. Successful realization of the innovation potential depends on effective interaction between business, scientific communities and the state, integration of digital technologies at all levels of activity, development of digital competencies and implementation of flexible business models.


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How to Cite
Pidgorniy, B. (2025). TRANSFORMATION OF THE CATEGORY OF INNOVATION POTENTIAL IN THE CONTEXT OF INDUSTRY 4.0. Transformational Economy, (4 (09), 25-31.