Keywords: enterprise ecosystems, stakeholders, enterprise resources, digital technologies, digitalization potential


The rapid development of digital technologies has turned our ideas about business interactions upside down. Just two decades ago, relations between enterprises were described quite fully within the framework of network relations, the pinnacle of modeling which was the assessment of transaction costs of hybrid organizations and the corresponding awarding of the Nobel Prize in Economics for the development of the theory of economic organization, and in fact for the possibility of assessing network structures. At the beginning of the 20s of this century, it became clear that the network paradigm of interorganizational relations does not determine the entire landscape of business interactions. The introduction of digital technologies contributed to the development of business, focused not only on economic partners, consumers, suppliers and competitors, but also on taking into account the influence of public organizations, authorities and social media. The article analyzes previous research, which demonstrated the relevance of formulating the problem of developing a formalized potential for digitization of the firm's ecosystem. Based on the author's development of the representation of ecosystem actors in the form of stakeholders, the main components of the firm's external space are indicated: stakeholders, enterprise resources and end-to-end digital technologies. The main factors that shape the potential of enterprise ecosystem digitalization are highlighted. Ecosystem stakeholders are divided into representatives of business, government, consumers, education and science, and mass media. Enterprise resources are material, labor, financial, and information resources. Digital technologies: artificial intelligence, additive technologies, blockchain, Internet of Things, robotics, social networks, virtual reality. Various directions of application of the formalized potential of enterprise ecosystem digitalization are given: the possibility of assessing the use of potential in different directions; assessing the impact of various components of the enterprise ecosystem on the development of its other elements; developing a general analytical model of potential; assessing the threshold values of factors for the development of enterprise ecosystem digitalization potential; a tool for developing an enterprise ecosystem development strategy.


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How to Cite
Poliova, N., & Mudretskyi, R. (2025). POTENTIAL OF DIGITALIZATION OF THE ENTERPRISE ECOSYSTEM. Transformational Economy, (4 (09), 36-40. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8141/2024-9-6