Human capital plays a key role in the implementation of innovations in the agricultural sector, especially in the face of modern challenges, such as ensuring food security. Climate change and environmental problems call into question the effectiveness of traditional approaches in agriculture, so the use of new technologies becomes necessary to adapt to new conditions. At the same time, the competitiveness of the agricultural sector depends on its ability to respond promptly to market demands and introduce innovations. However, without qualified specialists, even the most modern technologies can be used insufficiently effectively. Human capital is both a factor and a result of the development of the agricultural economy, which largely determines the features of its formation and use. Management of the formation and use of human capital in the agricultural sector of the economy is a complex economic problem, the solution of which requires the development of a number of theoretical, methodological and practical issues aimed at ensuring the country's food independence, increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products, improving the quality of life of the rural population, stimulating innovative activity and innovative development of the agro-industrial complex, ensuring the growth rate of agricultural labor productivity. The article analyzes the main trends in the formation and development of human capital in the agricultural sector. The factors of human capital development in the agricultural sector are classified. It is studied how human capital affects the implementation of innovations in the agricultural sector. Modern technologies and innovations are becoming key to increasing production efficiency, reducing environmental impact and ensuring the competitiveness of agricultural products on the world market. Their successful application largely depends on the level of development and rational use of human capital. A multifunctional model of human capital in the agricultural sector and a mechanism for managing the development of human capital in the agricultural sector are proposed, which includes a set of measures to ensure its innovative development; recommendations are given for improving the organizational support for the development of human capital in the agricultural sector in the context of ensuring food security.
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