The study examines the prospects of using indirect methods of state regulation of the electric vehicle market as a tool to stimulate the development of environmentally friendly transport. The main barriers that slow down the development of this market are assessed: the high cost of electric vehicles compared to traditional cars, a limited network of charging infrastructure, low consumer awareness of the benefits of electric vehicles, and the instability of government support. The study focuses on the effectiveness of indirect regulatory methods, including tax incentives, subsidies, investments in charging infrastructure, and awareness-raising activities. A comparative analysis of international experience shows that a comprehensive approach that combines economic incentives, infrastructure development, and regulatory measures is the most effective. Particular attention is paid to the experience of Norway, China, the United States, and the EU countries, which have achieved high results through the integration of financial incentives and support for innovative technologies. The Ukrainian experience shows a positive impact of VAT and excise tax exemptions on the import of electric vehicles, which helped to reduce their cost and increase demand. However, market development is hampered by an underdeveloped charging station infrastructure, uneven government support, and the lack of a long-term strategy. Infrastructure barriers particularly affect residents of rural and remote regions, limiting access to charging stations. The study offers recommendations for improving public policy in supporting the electric vehicle market. In particular, it is necessary to adapt successful international practices to Ukrainian conditions, implement a long-term strategy for the development of the transport sector, comprehensively stimulate investment in charging infrastructure, and organize information campaigns to raise public awareness. The report also emphasises the importance of public-private partnerships in creating charging infrastructure, as only synergy can ensure sufficient coverage of the country's territory. The report also emphasises the need to develop a national programme to support research and development in the field of electric transport, which will facilitate the integration of innovative technologies and attract foreign investment.
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