The issue of municipal waste management is becoming increasingly important in the context of global population growth, urbanization, and changing consumption habits, which lead to a significant increase in waste volumes. The European Union, which has already faced this problem, has developed and implemented effective strategies aimed at minimizing municipal waste generation and transitioning to a circular economy. At the core of these approaches is the waste management hierarchy, which prioritizes waste prevention, reuse, recycling, and other forms of resource recovery. Waste prevention is the highest priority in this hierarchy, as it not only reduces the amount of waste but also significantly decreases the pressure on infrastructure for its further management. The article analyzes the European experience in municipal waste prevention and its potential adaptation in Ukraine. It emphasizes the need to implement appropriate legislative initiatives, particularly mechanisms that stimulate waste reduction at the consumer and producer levels. Special attention is given to successful initiatives in EU countries, such as the PAYT (Pay-As-You-Throw) system, which provides economic incentives to reduce household waste and widely promotes reuse practices. The implementation of such measures in Ukraine is critically important, given the low recycling rates and the high levels of waste disposal. The article also highlights the necessity of conducting extensive educational campaigns aimed at raising environmental awareness among the population and changing behavioral models. An important component of these campaigns should be the promotion of sustainable consumption and production practices, encouraging individuals and businesses to reduce their environmental impact. The European experience shows that systematic educational and legislative measures, supported by economic tools, can bring significant results in reducing municipal waste volumes and improving recycling rates. The article concludes that by adapting these best practices, Ukraine can more effectively address its municipal waste management challenges and create a solid foundation for transitioning to sustainable development within the framework of a circular economy. The integration of European experience and the development of appropriate infrastructure will play a key role in achieving these goals. Focusing on waste prevention will allow Ukraine to significantly reduce the overall burden on infrastructure, improve resource efficiency, and make a significant contribution to global efforts to solve the waste problem.
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