The article investigates the spatial transformation of regional logistics markets and their impact on the development of Ukraine's light industry amid globalization and economic challenges caused by war. It establishes a crucial link between logistics and production processes, which is vital for enhancing the efficiency of logistics operations. Strategies for optimizing logistics processes are proposed, including the use of modern technologies such as automation and digitalization to adapt to rapidly changing market conditions. It is proven that reforming logistics infrastructure and effective management of logistics chains enhance the competitiveness of the light industry. Special attention is given to adapting logistics strategies to new realities, considering the needs and challenges of the light industry, a significant sector of the country's economy. Key logistics barriers are identified, and measures for overcoming them are determined to ensure the resilience of supply chains and enhance the competitiveness of Ukrainian light industry nationally and internationally. The impact of international economic sanctions and fuel price fluctuations on logistics strategies is analyzed, with an emphasis on the necessity to diversify routes and suppliers to reduce dependence on individual countries. The integration of environmental approaches into logistics to increase ecological resilience and optimize resource usage is considered, becoming increasingly relevant in the global context of environmental protection efforts. Considering wartime conditions allows for the adaptation of logistics processes to new challenges, ensuring the maintenance of internal stability and support for the population in crisis conditions. Key aspects for overcoming existing barriers and utilizing the potential of logistics innovations for the development of relevant regional markets in the post-conflict period are defined.
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