• Lіashuk Kateryna Khmelnytskyi Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute
  • Andriy Hordovskyi Khmelnytskyі Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute
Keywords: marketing, social responsibility, business, wartime, management, consumers, business responsibility factors, social marketing


The article examines the problems of using the concept of socially oriented marketing, the problems of ensuring social responsibility of business structures and ensuring competitiveness as a criterion for the effectiveness of socially oriented marketing programs. The author not only sets the task of establishing the correspondence between these categories, but also determines the criterion of the effectiveness of socially oriented marketing solutions. It has been proven that social marketing is a tool for coordinating the interests of all market participants - members of socially responsible enterprises. It has been established that social marketing is based on the following principles: the principle of continuity; principle of complexity; the principle of concentration of efforts; the principle of consumer sovereignty; the principle of social orientation of marketing; the principle of the situational approach. It is substantiated that compliance with the principles of social responsibility increases the viability and efficiency of the business system. In the long run, social responsibility can increase consumer confidence in the products produced by that organization. It has been proven that corporate social responsibility has a multi-level nature: timely payment of taxes, payment of wages, if possible – provision of new jobs (basic level); providing employees with proper conditions for work and life (second level); charitable activity (third level). Three groups of problems regarding the implementation of social responsibility of business are defined: interaction between the state and business, between business and society, and self-organization of business. The features of social responsibility of business in modern conditions are analyzed. It has been proven that enterprises implementing social responsibility programs have wider opportunities for attracting investment capital, more successful advertising of their goods and services, and receiving tax benefits. Ultimately, socially responsible companies contribute to reducing social tension in society, act as reliable partners of the state in the implementation of its social programs.


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How to Cite
Kateryna, L., & Hordovskyi, A. (2023). SOCIAL MARKETING AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF BUSINESS. Transformational Economy, (2 (02), 34-37.