• Yuliіa Nikolchuk Khmelnytskyi Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute
  • Oksana Lopatovska Khmelnytskyi Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute
  • Karina Ponomarjova Khmelnytskyi Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute
Keywords: liquidity, solvency, structural components, management system, mechanism, influencing factors


The article examines the existing structural components of the liquidity and solvency management mechanism of domestic enterprises. Based on the results of the research of numerous studies of scientists, the key directions of managing the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise and the components of the financial mechanism of their management have been determined. The authors defined the purpose, tasks and factors influencing the management of liquidity and solvency of the enterprise. It was found that scientists propose a system of interdependence of the effective activity of the business entity and its stable development based on liquidity management. The article examines the stages of managing liquidity and solvency of enterprises, including from the standpoint of a system-process approach. According to this approach, the control subsystem should be considered in an inseparable unity of control subjects and their parameters, which through the control mechanism affect the controlled subsystem. The liquidity and solvency management policy of any business entity should be considered as a set of interconnected subsystems, namely: target, functional, provision and "feedback". The authors of the article conducted a study of different views on the structuring of the financial mechanism of managing the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise, in particular, the structural elements of managing the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise were selected, the principles of managing the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise were grouped: sufficiency, scientificity, systematicity, continuity, economy, phasing, reliability and preservation assets. The article reflects the main directions of liquidity and solvency management, as well as measures aimed at achieving effective functioning of the enterprise by maintaining their sufficient level, in terms of two main directions: reducing current internal and external financial obligations and increasing the amount of monetary assets in the current period , which will allow early detection and prevention of crisis phenomena, aimed at solving specific tasks related to ensuring the effective operation of the economic entity. According to the authors, the conducted research on the management of liquidity and solvency of the enterprise allows us to state that the use of this tool at the level of the business entity will ensure compliance with the optimal level of its liquidity and solvency or its change in the direction of stabilization and further effective development of the business entity.


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How to Cite
Nikolchuk, Y., Lopatovska, O., & Ponomarjova, K. (2023). ARCHITECTURE OF THE LIQUIDITY AND LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT MECHANISM OF THE ENTERPRISE. Transformational Economy, (2 (02), 38-44.