Keywords: personnel potential, management of personnel potential, methods of development of personnel potential, competence approach


A study of theoretical approaches to the management of personnel potential was conducted. Various definitions of the concept of "personnel potential" given by modern Ukrainian scientists have been systematized. The author's definition of the concept of "personnel potential of the enterprise" is proposed - the combined capabilities of all full-time employees of the enterprise, whose competence and motivation allow to ensure the quality of current tasks and the achievement of the enterprise's development goals. Emphasis is placed on the fact that personnel potential is one of the "most important resource elements of the enterprise's potential. It was noted that personnel potential must be formed at various stages of the personnel management process. It is shown how the personnel potential of the enterprise is formed at individual stages of the personnel management process: personnel recruitment, personnel adaptation, personnel development, personnel evaluation. The classification of methods of personnel potential development according to signs of usefulness for the enterprise and for the employee is given. It is noted that the application of various methods of personnel potential development provides an opportunity to develop and/or actualize personnel competencies and improve the quality of personnel potential of both the enterprise and each individual employee. Emphasis is placed on the need to use a competency-based approach in the management of personnel potential. This approach describes a model of professional behavior that helps to establish relationships between knowledge, abilities and skills of an employee and specific and measurable results of his activity. There are three levels at which employee competence is formed: personal, cognitive, and operational. It was established that the competences of employees, as a component of the personnel potential of the enterprise, are divided into groups: personal, professional, instrumental, interpersonal, systemic. It was noted that the application of the competence approach will make it possible to teach employees to independently manage their competences, to conduct professional activities responsibly, to increase their own competitiveness, which will positively affect the competitiveness of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Leskova, S. (2023). A COMPETENT APPROACH IN MANAGING THE PERSONNEL POTENTIAL OF THE MODERN ENTERPRISE. Transformational Economy, (3 (03), 26-31. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8141/2023-3-5