Keywords: group dynamics, creative teams, project members, team roles, models of team interaction and cohesion, leadership styles


This article provides a comprehensive analysis of group dynamics in project teams and creative groups. It explores various aspects of group dynamics, including interaction, communication, conflict, cooperation, coordination, and other factors that arise during collaborative activities. The article also categorizes models of team development, considering different communication and cooperation styles, along with techniques for fostering team cohesion and appropriate behavior at different stages of collaboration. By shedding light on group dynamics, the article emphasizes the significance of effective team management in achieving set objectives. It underscores the importance of adapting team management methods to suit specific project requirements and the business environment by highlighting different aspects of group dynamics and presenting diverse models of team development. The article stresses the value of studying and utilizing contemporary models of interaction, communication, and conflict management to enhance overall team performance. Furthermore, the article highlights the critical role of efficient team management in the success of project teams and creative groups. It argues that creative team leaders and project managers should employ effective team management methods tailored to the project's unique needs and the nature of the business environment. These methods may encompass diverse models of interaction, cooperation, knowledge sharing, team cohesion, leadership, communication, and conflict management. The article establishes that project teams and creative groups can achieve their goals through effective teamwork when these aspects are considered. Additionally, the article clarifies the essence of various models that define team member roles, leadership styles, types of interaction, and conflicts between team members. It emphasizes the significance of studying and utilizing modern models of interaction, communication, and conflict management to comprehend the roles played by project team members and their impact on overall team performance. Moreover, the article underscores the importance of recognizing the uniqueness of each team member and their individual characteristics. Understanding the specifics of the business environment and the needs of a particular team is crucial for effective team management. The article proposes to use the Team Building Methodology, which is based on the idea that in order to achieve maximum results in project work, harmonious work of all team members is necessary, as well as on the idea of a team as a house.


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How to Cite
Rovenska, V., Latysheva, O., & Smyrnova, I. (2023). GROUP DYNAMICS AND METHODS OF MANAGING CREATIVE AND PROJECT TEAMS IN THE FIELD OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Transformational Economy, (3 (03), 32-39.