• Oleksandr Deineha Rivne State University of Humanities
  • Inna Deineha Rivne State University of Humanities
Keywords: advertising, forms of advertising, advertising distribution channels, economic feasibility of advertising, online advertising tools


The article examines the paradigm shift in interpreting the essence of advertising in connection with informatization and globalization of the economic space. It was determined that the emergence of alternative online channels for the distribution of advertising made it possible to form its effectiveness apart from the payment of the submission form. It has been proven that advertising is any communication that occurs between an enterprise and its business environment, which is aimed either at intensifying the sale of goods, or at forming a positive image of goods and / or enterprises (commercial advertising), the image of political parties, political leaders (political advertising) etc. It has been established that the main task of commercial advertising is the transformation of potential consumers into real ones, an important condition for this is the use of (targeted) advertising directed at the target audience. It has been established that the economic feasibility of the implementation of advertising activities is achieved if the costs of its creation and distribution are covered by an increase in the company's income, which, in turn, can be achieved either by increasing sales volumes or by increasing market prices for the goods of a certain company. Which becomes possible due to the increase in the market value of the product or the image of the product manufacturer. Despite the criticism of advertising (presentation of known false, incomplete, ambiguous, distorted information, interference in the consumer's private life, etc.), it performs important social functions, in particular, informing, stimulating business entities to improve their activities, strengthening competition, which contributes to the improvement of the quality of products and services. In general, advertising is just a tool that can be used for various purposes. Today, the most common types of advertising are based on the application of online technologies, the importance of which in the commercial activity of enterprises has increased due to the internationalization and informatization of all business processes. In addition, the use of online advertising tools allows you to significantly reduce the budget for advertising campaigns.


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How to Cite
Deineha, O., & Deineha, I. (2023). CURRENT TRENDS IN ADVERTISING ACTIVITIES OF MARKET-ORIENTED ENTERPRISES . Transformational Economy, (1 (01), 15-20.