Keywords: Internet communications, methods of evaluating the effectiveness of Internet communications tools, new media, brand communication, digital environment, communication strategy, brand life cycle


The study analyzed scientific and scientific-practical publications on the development of brand communications. Considering the process of brand management in the digital environment, it is determined that branding is a complex marketing technology that takes into account the goals of brand management at various stages of brand formation and existence. The stages of forming brand communications in the digital environment, which must be followed at different stages of the brand's life cycle, have been developed. It was determined that the brand's communication strategy includes a set of marketing tools and media plans that form a matrix of brand communications according to different types of business activities and different economic sectors. It was determined that in order to form an ideal matrix of brand communication, all communication channels should be subject to the principles of integration, since there is a direct relationship between the number of channels of perception that activate the brand and the value of the product and the principles of the digital environment, since it is important to transform the matrix of brand communications in time to meet the requirements of digital reality. It is substantiated that the company needs a brand communication strategy for planning and budgeting all marketing communications, and especially for evaluating the effectiveness of the formed brand communications matrix, determining actions in specific communication channels. The importance of the use of digital media in the formation of a communication strategy by domestic enterprises has been proven. Classification of new media is proposed. It is justified to take into account the life cycle of the brand when developing brand communications in the digital environment, because when a brand first goes online, the task is to make a statement about it using classic and new media. It is noted that an effectively developed action program and automated analysis of digital indicators will allow to accelerate and optimize the process of brand promotion, to quickly make decisions regarding the implementation of the brand's communication strategy in the digital environment. It was determined that when developing brand communications, it is important to systematically study the needs of the target audience, develop a pyramid of needs that can be satisfied by the enterprise brand, place emphasis on the desired digital indicators and determine brand capital in the digital environment, pay attention to the implementation of the communication strategy in the digital environment, develop digital advertising campaigns to achieve the set goals, constantly work according to the formed media plan, monitor the relevance of the created content plan, rubric, video content for social media.


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How to Cite
Tanasiichuk, A. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF BRAND COMMUNICATIONS IN THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT. Transformational Economy, (3 (03), 45-49.