Keywords: logistics system, Ukraine, energy carriers, importing countries, supply, adaptive management, enterprise


The article reveals the need to identify logistical problems in Ukraine regarding the provision of energy carriers during the period of martial law, covering the period of 2021-2023. The data of the "A-95 Consulting Group" regarding the consumption of gasoline, diesel fuel and liquefied gas in Ukraine in 2021 are given. The analyzed countries-importers of liquefied gas in Ukraine in 2021, production and import of gasoline and diesel fuel for the same period. The main logistical problems due to the Russian missile attacks in Ukraine regarding the provision of energy carriers have been identified: it is the impossibility of accumulating a large amount of resources at oil depots, as there is a high risk of resource loss and with an increase in the resource in storage, the amount of frozen finances of the supplier increases. It was determined that the logistics routes inside the country have also changed, since now fuel delivery (due to the blocking of sea ports by the aggressor country) to all regions of Ukraine has to be carried out only from the Western borders by rail and road transport. The considered Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the application of norms for the period of martial law, which discloses the peculiarities of taxation of excise goods with excise tax during the period of military operations. It was determined that the importation of petroleum products into Ukraine by road transport is the most economical an unprofitable method of logistics, although in modern realities it is one of the main types of transportation. The main problems that significantly delay the import of petroleum products to Ukraine are: long delays when crossing the border and the long process of customs clearance of petroleum products. It was determined that the solution to the first problem is possible through the introduction of the eCherga truck driver registration service for crossing the border, which will make it possible to reduce the burden on customs posts, reduce the fact of human influence and enable both suppliers and carriers to plan flights in advance. The solution to the second problem is possible through the reorganization of customs structures, increasing the number of employees and strengthening control over the activities of customs bodies by the state control bodies. It was determined that Ukraine today needs integration into the fuel sphere of the European Union to ensure uninterrupted fuel supply and the reconstruction and further development of the oil refining sphere in the country itself.


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How to Cite
Kharchuk, O., & Kolotvin, R. (2023). LOGISTICS PROBLEMS IN UKRAINE REGARDING ENERGY SUPPLY IN THE PERIOD OF 2021-2023 . Transformational Economy, (3 (03), 56-60. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8141/2023-3-10