The article presents the results of the research of existing approaches of HR management processes at domestic enterprises, as well as modern trends caused by digital transformations taking place in the country and the world and accelerated in the context of extreme events that have occurred in recent years. A list of tasks related to personnel management has been established, which must be solved through using of innovative approaches and the latest trends in this area of enterprise activity, including: HR technologies, outsourcing, new models of career management, automation of HR processes, establishing of a learning culture and modern trends in the labor market. The main functions of personnel management at the current stage are defined, as a combination of traditional management functions and HR functions. The main positive effects of their implementation should be considered personnel management on the basis of not only quantitative in metrics, but also qualitative indicators, such as: assessment of personnel competencies and their effectiveness; career management of each employee; management of the personnel motivation system; management of education, professional development; planning the need for personnel and forming a personnel reserve. Among the negative points, we can highlight: the need for additional costs for the installation and maintenance of automated systems, as well as the lack of understanding by the management of most domestic enterprises about the benefits of their use. In the course of the study, the main factors influencing the digitization of the enterprise were established: the technical readiness of the enterprise for the introduction of information technologies; software level at the enterprise; provision of high-speed Internet; personnel qualification. Also, criteria for assessing the level of digital transformation of HR processes at domestic enterprises are proposed. The authors proved that the selection and implementation of modern HR process automation systems (HRM and ERP systems) in the activities of domestic enterprises will help to effectively solve issues related to the management of HR processes, taking into account the individual achievements of each employee.
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