Keywords: bioeconomy, investment, venture capital, capital market, projects, food crisis, sustainable management, natural resources, sustainable development


The article substantiates that it is possible to make a leap from a transitional (transit) economy to a developing economy through innovation and investment modernization of the economy. Of particular relevance are issues related to the search for and attraction of investments to support and develop the bioeconomy. The purpose of the article is to study the tools for attracting investments for the implementation and development of the innovative bioeconomy. The relevance of supporting the bioeconomy and actualizing the role of attracting investments for the implementation of the bioeconomy, in particular venture capital investments and grants for the development of the bioeconomy, is also due to the prospect of post-war economic recovery in Ukraine. The bioeconomy is one of the most promising innovation areas. The Sixth Technological Order, with biotechnology and nanobiotechnology at its core, envisages the development of the bioeconomy, an innovative area based on biotechnology and its widespread use in the economy, which will help solve the problems of sustainable management of natural resources. To support and develop the bioeconomy, investments are needed, which can be attracted through venture capital investments, grants, etc. It is substantiated that financing of innovative projects with the help of venture capital is actively used in developed countries, when funds are provided by venture capital funds and banks. The features of venture capital financing in Ukraine are presented. It is proposed how domestic enterprises can attract venture capital to finance innovations, in particular in the bioeconomy. Ukraine's integration into the European Union allows it to join the EU's innovative projects and will contribute to the development of the bioeconomy in Ukraine, which will help create energy independence, food security, and climate change mitigation in the country's post-war recovery. Some EU projects related to the bioeconomy are presented. It is concluded that in the context of Russia's military aggression, the role of the bioeconomy in the context of Ukraine's post-war recovery and investment attraction tools, including venture capital financing, grants, is becoming more important, which is an important prerequisite for accelerating economic growth, transition to an investment and innovation model of economic development and increasing its competitiveness.


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How to Cite
Budiakova, O., & Dervish, D. (2023). INVESTMENTS IN THE BIOECONOMY FOR THE POST-WAR RECOVERY OF UKRAINE. Transformational Economy, (4 (04), 9-13.