Keywords: management, information technology, project, startup, project approach, startup management methods, special software


The article explains the process of adapting the project approach to startup management. Adapting the project approach to startup management can be done through the following 6 steps: defining the goals and objectives of the startup, creating a project team, assigning roles and responsibilities, setting deadlines and budgets, developing a project schedule, and managing risks. The stages of the project approach to startup management are planning, execution, control, and risk management. The following tools for adapting the project approach in startup management are considered: Scrum methodology, Kanban methodology, Agile methodology, Lean Startup methodology, Design Thinking methodology, Business Model Canvas methodology, Zoho Sprints, RAD, Basecamp, MeisterTask, ClickUp application, Wrike platform, Todoist, Asana program. It has been found that the main characteristics of project management are: a significant spread of the most flexible practices (e.g., Agile, Scrum), organisation of special working groups and reorientation in accordance with constantly changing conditions; faster and more effective influence on strategy by project managers in order to facilitate the organisational structure of the project, reduce the number of management levels and focus on more effective personal communication in the team; increasing the importance of managing constantly emerging changes. Finally, it is proved that the adaptation of the project approach to startup management provides a structured approach to the development and management of startups, allowing for the efficient use of limited resources. Adaptation of the project approach to startup management involves the use of methodologies and tools that ensure effective teamwork and achievement of goals.


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How to Cite
Gorbachenko, S., Chepurna, O., & Slatvinska, V. (2023). ADAPTING A PROJECT-BASED APPROACH TO STARTUP MANAGEMENT. Transformational Economy, (4 (04), 24-28.