Keywords: student entrepreneurship, academic entrepreneurship, innovative development, stimulation, institution of higher education, survey


The article determined that the formation of an entrepreneurial ecosystem in a country that is under martial law requires the further development of entrepreneurial thinking and the acquisition of competencies by applicants for higher education and teachers. The article substantiates the role of higher education institutions in teaching entrepreneurship and supporting student entrepreneurship, explains the relevance of the need to analyze the level of entrepreneurial intentions and assess the quality of university infrastructure supporting student entrepreneurship. It was established that it is possible for domestic universities to participate in expert self-assessment using the HEInnovate method and assessment of entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurial activity of students using the GUESSS method. The importance of the development of entrepreneurial skills in higher education applicants for the most effective adaptation to future professional activity has been demonstrated. The results of a survey of university administration representatives from 110 higher education institutions are presented. Indicators of the development of student entrepreneurship in universities and the experience of using innovative entrepreneurial products are analyzed. It is determined that each institution of higher education conducts separate activities to increase the level of mastery of entrepreneurial skills by students, however, student entrepreneurship at domestic universities is at the initial stage of formation. Most universities plan to launch organizational entrepreneurial structures and additional programs within the framework of the specified direction in the next academic year. It has been established that the entrepreneurial activity of students has an impact on the rating and performance indicators of universities in the near future. The possibilities of increasing the role of the country's universities in the formation of entrepreneurial ecosystems and more productive cooperation with small businesses due to regulatory, legal, organizational, economic and financial measures are substantiated. To develop the integration of universities and business, joint planning of the educational process, placement of startups, technology parks, business incubators with consulting, legal and other types of services on the territory of universities, monitoring and self-assessment of the features of student entrepreneurship are proposed.


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