Keywords: marketing, marketing strategy, development strategy, digitalization, digital transformation, economic and political changes, wartime


This article is devoted to the problems of forming the company's marketing strategy at the same time in rather complex conditions of digital transformation, economic and political changes and wartime. It is clear that digital transformation in this context is a positive driver that accelerates the collection of information and response to the dynamics of the market situation. However, the positive changes end there, because currently, economic and political changes in Ukraine are caused by life in wartime conditions, the complexity of planning and the formation of development prospects. Practically the entire economy works for the needs of Victory, and accordingly it is extremely difficult to form marketing strategies of development for domestic enterprises. These processes are also complicated by the broken infrastructure of individual regions. Enterprises that manufacture building materials or are their suppliers can only form an assortment strategy, but it is quite difficult to tie it to some time frame. The authors believe that since the marketing strategy of a domestic enterprise is based on a significant amount of information (to take into account all trends and dynamics), then, accordingly, digitalization will contribute to the formation of both an actual assortment and the compilation of a real transport map for delivering products to consumers, and the study of consumer needs and the formation segment group, etc. It really became easier and faster to form an information array of marketing data, and those enterprises that support digital transformation in practice will be able to take into account not only the needs of consumers, but also the factors of economic, political and military changes. The authors determined that when forming a marketing strategy, a problem arises not only in the difficult economic and political situation and the state of war in the state, but also in the rapid change of trends, needs, and the change of digital platforms. If the company does not know how to quickly respond to changes, does not use flexible approaches to doing business and does not apply innovative digital technologies, it will not only be unable to form a marketing strategy, but will also be doomed to disappear from the market.


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How to Cite
Shostak, L., Lipych ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ L., Morokhova, V., & Mironova, N. (2023). FEATURES OF THE FORMATION OF THE MARKETING STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL CHANGES AND WAR TIME. Transformational Economy, (4 (04), 86-90. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8141/2023-4-15