The approaches of scientists to the definition of strategy, in particular the directions of the company's development strategy, which must be interconnected in the context of the activation of the business processes of the economic entity, have been studied. The basic characteristics of the business entity's development strategy are detailed, among which it is worth noting: the need for the development of innovative investment projects; attraction of additional financing; determination of business risks and ways to avoid them or reduce their impact on activities; assessment of internal and external factors of influence; compliance with the direction of the company's goals; the possibility of timely adaptation to changes in business conditions, especially when integration processes are activated. Attention is focused on the significance of the relationship between the company's financial strategy and development strategy. At the same time, diagnosis and analysis of the company's financial condition are the key to the successful formation of the company's development strategy. In the context of the variety of methods of economic diagnostics, the formation of strategic guidelines for the development of the enterprise should occur simultaneously with the selection of conceptual approaches in management, as well as taking into account the specifics of doing business, the state of resource and financial support, operating conditions, etc. The need to improve the quality of information and analytical support at the enterprise in order to obtain reliable diagnostic data by specialists in a timely manner has been proven. The task of diagnostics and its relationship with information support for the purpose of making effective strategic management decisions are substantiated. The functions, methods and criteria for diagnosing the company's activity in the strategic management system are defined. When choosing one or another method of conducting diagnostics, it is necessary to be guided by a number of criteria that will determine the level of potential development, selected strategic priorities, and the implementation of established projects. The use of a targeted approach to diagnostics in the strategic management system of the enterprise, which is aimed at harmonizing the goals of strategic and operational planning, is proven.
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