The article is devoted to the study of the role of credit and investment institutions in ensuring the effective functioning of housing construction enterprises. The existence of a leading role of the field of housing construction in providing the population with proper living conditions is substantiated. It has been proven that the country's housing stock suffered significant destruction during the military aggression, which increased the existing need for infrastructural restoration, the introduction of the latest approaches to urban planning, the provision of which requires significant amounts of financial resources. The feasibility of implementing a cluster or sectoral approach in the process of urban planning, creating opportunities for autonomous or backup functioning of critical infrastructure facilities in certain areas of the city, and residential construction facilities has been proven. It is substantiated that the ability of the housing construction sector to form the appropriate amount of financial resources, to ensure a positive cash flow becomes a determining factor in its functioning and further development. It has been proven that the classic sources of financial resources of housing construction enterprises were usually the funds of private customers, the funds of the state and local budgets were directed to the purchase of social housing stock within the framework of the implementation of certain housing construction programs, and the funds of business entities were directed to improving the housing conditions of their own employees. The need to develop possible mechanisms for insurance of future housing infrastructure, equipment of construction organizations, health and life of industry workers was emphasized, the implementation of which should be accompanied by the provision of state guarantees to the participants of this process. The existence of the leading role of international technical assistance in ensuring the innovative development of housing construction processes is substantiated. An author's approach to determining the role of credit and financial institutions in the long-term development of housing construction enterprises is proposed. The key advantages of the activation of credit and investment institutions in ensuring the effective functioning of housing construction enterprises have been identified.
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