Keywords: consumer behavior, enterprise behavior, model, target audience, market, adaptation


The article determines the need to study enterprise behavior within modern economic science. It is noted that the study and modeling of the behavior of enterprises in all industries, including food industry enterprises, is a key tool for business functioning and the development of management strategies aimed at achieving success in changing market conditions. The difference between the concepts of “consumer behavior of an enterprise” and “consumer-oriented behavior of an enterprise” is established. It is offered the author’s approach to defining the concept of “enterprise behavior”: it is an economic category that envisages a set of actions, methods, and ways of an enterprise’s response to impact factors from the internal and external environment, taking into account the dominant variations of economic behavior (strategic, innovative, entrepreneurial, organizational, informational, competitive, market, socially responsible, etc.) in order to achieve goals of the enterprise that follows a consumer-oriented approach to management decision-making. The author develops a model of consumer-oriented behavior of an enterprise, which considers the actual and potential needs and desires of the target audience and potential market opportunities, as well as an algorithm for cultivating consumer-oriented behavior. The algorithm for elaborating the economic behavior of an enterprise is cyclical and consists of two blocks. The first block – Preparatory and Analytical – involves defining the enterprise mission, setting its goals, analyzing and evaluating information to analyze economic alternatives, select them, and determine the possibilities of implementation. The second block – “Corrective” – deals with corporate economic behavior, which should take into account the relevant goals and mission. The specification of types of corporate economic behavior makes it possible to focus the efforts of an enterprise on those areas of economic activity that reflect the nature and essence of economic activity based on the mutual impact of the relevant determinants. We believe that any type of economic behavior covered in the algorithm should be consumer-oriented. The author puts forward an original model of adaptive behavior of an enterprise, given market requirements and consumer behavior in the market. The model gives consideration to the status of enterprises, market and consumer in the process of their changes, which go through the following stages: initial state, contact, initial reaction, balancing reactions, adaptive changes, and updated status. In addition, it allows enterprises to anticipate and be prepared for potential consumer behavior and market requirements and to accumulate efforts to solve the problem in order to move the enterprise to an adaptive new state, ensuring the stability of its business activities and development trends.


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How to Cite
Kapinus, L. (2023). MODERN MODELS OF ENTERPRISE BEHAVIOR. Transformational Economy, (5 (05), 51-57.