The article deals with the topical issue of forming the organization's anti-crisis strategy. The essence of this concept and the main task of the strategic anti-crisis approach are determined. Models of strategy development, which are basic for all organizations, are presented: basic strategic planning; organization alignment; scenario planning; "organic" planning; management by results. It was determined which tasks are facilitated by the presence of a strategy in the organization: positioning the organization as sustainable; systematization of experience, resources, opportunities; determination of the qualitative state and quantitative indicators; concentration of own resources and efforts; involvement of external resources; the ability to effectively implement current activities. The main stages of the process of forming the organization's development strategy are presented: monitoring the external and internal environment of the non-profit organization; operational assessment and analysis of the economic situation; determination of development factors; reference to the goals and mission of the non-profit organization (or project goals); preparation of new options for achieving goals; choosing the most effective scenario for achieving goals; monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the anti-crisis strategy; implementation of the strategy implementation mechanism and action plan. The principles of developing the strategy of a non-profit organization are indicated: focus on global goals in the long term; predict several possible vectors of development; have a continuous character. The difficulties of the process of forming an anti-crisis strategy of a non-profit organization are highlighted: it becomes a particularly difficult task in the rapidly changing conditions of an unstable society; may prompt sudden and inappropriate changes in current plans; the desire to start all over, which can lead to ill-conceived and unproductive shifts; problems that require an immediate solution may conflict with the effort and time invested; forming an anti-crisis strategy is a costly activity.
Олійник Л.В., Кузнєцова А.П. Методологічні засади формування стратегії розвитку підприємства. Економіка i організація управління. 2018. № 3 (31). С. 118–126.
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Ansoff H. Strategic Management. Palgrave Macmillan; 2007th edition. 233 p.
Michael H. Mescon, Michael Albert, Franklin Khedouri (1988) Management. Harper & Row, 777 p.
Mintzberg H. (1978) The Structuring of Organizations. The theory of management policy series. Pearson, 536 p.
Arthur A. Thompson, A. J. Strickland (2001) Strategic Management. McGraw-Hill Education, 1079 p.