Keywords: investment object, management, risks, economic consequences, financial innovations


The article is devoted to defining the main features of investing and their management. The study analyzed the main features inherent in investments. Consider the views of scientists from the point of view of choosing an investment object. An investment should be understood as any asset that is expected to benefit individuals or legal entities in the future. Such assets include cryptocurrencies - modern financial investments, financial and digital technologies (such as blockchain and Big Data, artificial intelligence). All this is connected with the digitalization of society; therefore innovations and investments develop in parallel and are integral components of modernity. The main tasks and methods of managing innovative investment activities of enterprises are highlighted, which are based on investment planning, investment quality, considering management decisions regarding investment management, risks and legal regulation of such investments. An investment management scheme is proposed, which includes the level of management, the subject of management, the object of management and the subject of management. The main requirements for investments that consider competitiveness and are based on the economic component are considered. The focus during investment is on the risks and investment attractiveness of the object. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the investment climate that is forming in the country, region or in the enterprise. It is established that it is influenced by political and economic factors. Because it considers political, social and economic factors that influence the formation of foreign or domestic investment sources. In our opinion, the political situation in the country and the economic parameters of the state are the main factors limiting the number of foreign investments in modern enterprises. Therefore, it can be concluded that the management system of the enterprise must be flexible and timely respond to changes in the modern economic system. An important aspect in the implementation of investment activities should be both the process of attracting and using investment resources, which in the future will ensure the growth of the enterprise's value.


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How to Cite
Makurin, A., & Maksymov, S. (2023). ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT. Transformational Economy, (5 (05), 82-86.