Keywords: hardiness, students of higher education, sustainable behavior, art therapy, essay


Introduction. The transformation of education is now crucial for the future development of Ukraine. The post-war reconstruction of the country will require a qualitative update of the system of scientific knowledge, highly qualified specialists, the introduction of science-intensive technologies into production, as well as the development of the hardiness of specialists and future specialists in the educational environment. Based on the systematization of knowledge about the concept of “hardiness”, using the appropriate conceptual and categorical apparatus, basic definitions, and conducted surveys, individual factors weakening the sustainable behavior of students of higher education were analyzed. Goal. Systematize knowledge about the concept of “hardiness”, identify and characterize the basic definitions; the effect of elements of art therapy and essay writing in higher education on the example of the Khmelnytskyi Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute (practical experience) on improving sustainable behavior. The article also attempts to correlate the definitions of «hardiness» and «resilience». The authors of the article developed a socio-pedagogical questionnaire and a pedagogical test for measuring structural, categorical parameters. In particular, the pedagogical test (5 questions), the questions were placed according to the principle of growth by the complexity of the order, each task corresponded to a clearly defined form, content, level of difficulty and allowed higher education applicants to categorically distinguish between the definitions of “hardiness” and «resilience». Socio-pedagogical questionnaire «My adaptation to life in the conditions of war». Therefore, «hardiness» is not only an important definition, but also a dynamic socio-pedagogical process that requires further in-depth study. The article confirms that students of higher education, in particular, economic specialties, need additional adaptive practices, such as art therapy and essay writing.


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How to Cite
Markova, S., Kostenko, D., & Mykhailova, S. (2023). HARDINESS OF STUDENTS OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR: PEDAGOGICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL DISCOURSE. Transformational Economy, (5 (05), 87-89. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8141/2023-5-15