• Svitlana Leskova Khmelnytskyі Cooperative Institute Trade and Economic
  • S. Pastushchyn Khmelnytskyі Cooperative Institute Trade and Economic
Keywords: corporate image, factors, image formation process, PR


The article analyzes theoretical approaches to defining the concept of "enterprise image". It is established that the image of the enterprise is considered by scientists as internal and external. Factors that have a significant impact on the internal and external image of the enterprise are singled out. The main determinants for the internal image of the enterprise are: the system of personnel development and training, the evaluation system, the relationship between employees and the manager, the motivation system, improvement of working conditions, etc. The external image of the enterprise is a mirror reflection of the opinion of consumers and partners about the enterprise, the main components of which are loyalty to consumers, transparency of the enterprise's activities, openness of data on sales volumes, prices, assortment, etc. It was established that the external image of the enterprise depends on the state of its internal image: a positive internal image stimulates the enterprise to more effective activities, which positively affects its external image, positioning it in the eyes of consumers as a successful, competitive enterprise, and vice versa, a negative internal image of the enterprise leads to loss of his reputation in the market. The process of forming the image of the enterprise is described, which involves five stages: analysis of the starting position of the level of support of the enterprise in the market; development of a system of measures to create a positive image; implementation of measures aimed at forming a positive image; regulation of the system of measures to create a positive image; substantiation of decisions regarding activation of actions on image formation. It was established that in the process of image formation it is necessary to use tools that will help the enterprise achieve long-term competitive advantages in the domestic market, in particular: visual, verbal, advertising, PR tools, other tools of image making. It was established that the formed positive image of the enterprise enables management to control the perception of its activities by external stakeholders, strengthen competitive positions in the market, increase popularity, which is reflected in sales and facilitates the recognition of the enterprise's products (goods, works, services) on the market.


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How to Cite
Leskova, S., & Pastushchyn, S. (2023). THEORETICAL BASIS OF FORMATION AND SUPPORT OF THE COMPANY’S IMAGE. Transformational Economy, (1 (01), 39-43.