The experience of applying blockchain technologies in international practice shows that they have a wide potential for various fields of activity. In particular, nowadays the use of blockchain technologies is one of the most innovative and promising trends in the financial market. The open and decentralized nature of the blockchain allows for a reduction in transaction costs, making financial transactions more transparent and secure. In recent years the development of Ukraine's financial sector has been in line with global trends, despite of the risks and threats posed by the full-scale military operations. Innovations are changing the direction of financial market development and helping to solve certain problems in the functioning of banking systems. Blockchain technology is becoming increasingly widespread in the financial sector due to its obvious advantages, which allow for more efficient execution of certain transactions, including payments, and ensure an adequate level of system and data protection. At the same time, we believe that its implementation in the activities of financial intermediaries is associated with a number of challenges, including cyber threats, instability of blockchain-based digital financial instruments, and regulatory risks. The article identifies that the motivations that may encourage banks to implement blockchain in their business processes are efficiency, security, autonomy, and control. We have determined how the main characteristics of the blockchain (reliability, transparency, confidentiality, unregulated nature, cyber vulnerability, technological complexity, etc.) will facilitate or impede the implementation of these motives. It can be argued that the use of blockchain technology in banking has significant prospects and they largely depend on the effectiveness of the decisions made by legislators and regulators on the formation of a regulatory framework for the use of blockchain technology and digital assets based on it by financial intermediaries.
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Dancho Petrov (2020) Blockchain Ecosystem in the Financial Services Industry. FAIMA Business & Management Journal, vol. 8, pp. 19–29. Available at:
Rebecca Lewis, John McPartland, Rajeev Ranjan (2019) Blockchain and financial market innovation. J.P. Morgan Center For Commodities. University of Colorado Denver business school. Available at:
Dulani Jayasuriya Daluwathumullagamage, Alexandra Sims. Fantastic Beasts: Blockchain Based Banking. Journal of Risks and Financial Management, no. 14(4) Available at:
Derrick Bonyuet (2020) Overview and Impact of Blockchain on Auditing. The International Journal of Digital Accounting Research, vol. 20, pp. 31–43. DOI
Manlu Liu, Kean Wu, Jennifer Jie Xu (2019) How Will Blockchain Technology Impact Auditing and Accounting: Permissionless versus Permissioned Blockchain. American Account Association, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 19–29. DOI:
Marion Pauline Gauthier, Nathalie Brender (2021) How do the current auditing standards fit the emergent use of blockchain? Managerial Auditing Journal, vol. 36, pp. 365–385. DOI:
Thomson Reuters. KYC Challenges in 2017: A Focus on the Impact of Global Regulations in the United States. Available at:
What is Blockchain? Distributed registry technology in simple words. Available at:
The BlueNoroff cryptocurrency hunt is still on. Available at:
Najoua Elommal, Riadh Manita (2021) How blockchain innovation could affect the audit profession: a qualitative study. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, vol. 0(1). DOI:
Higginson M., Nadeau M., Rajgopal K. (2019) Blockchain’s Occam Problem. McKinsey on Payment. Available at: