The article examines the issue of the organization of financial planning in domestic companies and directions for its improvement. The purpose of financial planning is to provide current operational and future economic activities with financial resources to achieve both strategic and tactical goals of the enterprise, which involves their effective formation and use. The main models of strategic management are defined. Strategic management models should be chosen taking into account the "adaptive" capabilities of the enterprise, namely the responsiveness to changes in supply and demand for raw materials, finished products, the emergence of new technologies, the prevalence of absolutely liquid assets of the enterprise and industry affiliation in the ownership structure. It is noted that when choosing a management model, it is necessary to take into account the industry affiliation, the production and socio-economic potential of the enterprise and the stage of its life cycle. Financial planning is defined as the process of forming plan indicators based on the provisions of the relevant concept, set of principles and methods. The tasks of financial planning, types of financial plans, financing stages are defined. The analysis of financial management tasks when applying different models of strategic management shows that financial planning is assigned the appropriate tasks of developing financial strategies, financial strategic and tactical plans to ensure operational planning of financial resources. It is noted that financial planning of enterprises has many advantages, but this process also has certain limitations. Such external and internal constraints in financial planning include: external factors, imprecise forecasting, dynamic environment, capital constraints, uncertainty of demand and consumer behavior, operational inefficiencies, lack of coherence and communication, regulatory and compliance requirements. It is concluded that the use of different models of strategic management at domestic enterprises will provide an opportunity to comprehensively plan the further development of the enterprise and direct its activities to achieve the final result.
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