Keywords: digitalized household, financial behavior, digital financial services, household behavior, financial services market, digitalization


The article focuses on the changes that occur in the financial behavior of each successive generation of household members. The prerequisites for the formation of such a socio-economic phenomenon in modern society as the "digitalized household" are analyzed, in particular, special attention is paid to the transformation of the financial behavior of households under the influence of digitalization processes. The changes that appear in society in connection with the high intensity of digitalization processes are characterized. The influence of representatives of different generations on the process of forming the financial behavior of households is outlined. A comparative analysis of the values of different generations related to informational shifts and digitalization was conducted. Trends in changing financial behavior of modern households under the influence of digital economy technologies are considered. The interpretation of the concepts of the digital economy, digital technologies and the peculiarities of providing digital and financial services to households, trends and nuances of the development of digital finance are analyzed, proposals are made for the interpretation of the concept of digital financial services, the concept of "digitalized household" is singled out and a special interpretation of its essence is proposed. The general features of the impact of digital technologies on the formation and development of financial relations in general and individual elements of the financial system in particular have been analyzed. The influence of digital and financial literacy on the financial behavior of a digitalized household has been revealed. A model of the transformation of the financial behavior of households in the conditions of digitalization is proposed and the features of the financial behavior of a digitalized household in modern conditions are summarized. Proposals have been made to highlight the main and actual, critically important advantages of the digitization process in terms of the financial behavior of households in order to strengthen their influence on the part of the state through financial institutions to support the financial stability of households as efficiently as possible in a period of economic and political instability.


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How to Cite
Dobranska, N. (2024). DIGITALIZED HOUSEHOLD AS A RESULT OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN UKRAINE. Transformational Economy, (1 (06), 5-10.