• Pavlo Nahornyi Khmelnytskyi Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute
  • D. Baziuk Khmelnytskyi Cooperative Trade and Economic Institute
Keywords: enterprises, effective management, balance sheet, coefficients, financial analysis, financial reporting, financial status


The article examines the identified and characterized currently developed and implemented research methods for assessing the financial condition of domestic enterprises. According to the results of the research of numerous works of domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners, the "most optimal" interpretations of the concepts of "financial condition" and "effective management" of the enterprise have been determined, according to the authors. The authors defined the purpose, tasks and functions of assessing the financial condition of the enterprise. It was found that today the majority of domestic scientists propose to conduct their research in two directions: directly analyze the balance sheet of the enterprise and calculate a certain set of relative indicators (coefficients). For a more in-depth study of the assessment of the financial condition, the authors of the article suggest using the following research methods: 1) abstract-logical – for theoretical generalizations and the formation of conclusions; 2) financial coefficients – for a comprehensive assessment of the financial state of the enterprise; 3) graphic method – for visual presentation of research results and general scientific methods of theoretical generalization and comparative analysis. Also, the authors propose to generalize methodical approaches to the comprehensive assessment of the financial state of the enterprise and to carry out an integral assessment of its financial state. The practical significance of the conducted research lies in the possibility of applying the results of the research in practical activities by subjects of entrepreneurial activity to improve the conduct of business. Considering that these researches were carried out in two directions, it is worth continuing the research topic of methods of assessing the financial state of the enterprise by expanding the area of analysis of factors influencing its state. According to the authors, the analysis of the assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise will allow to consistently and thoroughly investigate the possible prerequisites for effective management of the enterprise, which will become a solid basis for the development of management decisions in the direction of strengthening its financial discipline in general.


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How to Cite
Nahornyi, P., & Baziuk, D. (2023). ASSESSMENT OF FINANCIAL STATUS AS A PREREQUISITE FOR EFFICIENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT. Transformational Economy, (1 (01), 44-49.