Keywords: grants, loans, credit and grant programs, EBRD grants, grant support, business financing


The article examines credit and grant tools for business support, features of participation of domestic companies in credit and grant programs. The main reasons for the limited use of both loans and grants by small businesses are demonstrated. Emphasis is placed on the fact that in the current conditions it is developing as a separate type of financial instrument - mixed, namely: credit-grant. It is noted that recently it is increasingly used by credit and grant funds that offer entrepreneurs financial support. The article examines some credit and grant programs for business, which became relevant in wartime conditions. Under the terms of the Program "Access to financing and support for the sustainability of MSMEs in Ukraine", entrepreneurs have the opportunity to implement an investment project by receiving credit subsidies and reimbursement of up to 30% of investment loans and loans to replenish working capital, primarily in the processing industry. The peculiarity of the loan-grant program from JSC UKREXIMBANK and the EUROPEAN BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT (EBRD), which operated from 2018 to 2023, was that representatives of MSMEs could receive a loan of up to EUR 3.0 million for a period of 18 months to finance business activities, and an additional advantage for enterprises that successfully implemented investment sub-projects was the opportunity to receive grant funds from the EBRD in the amount of up to 15% of the loan amount. The study demonstrates the possibilities of credit and grant programs for small entrepreneurs in the conditions of the war in Ukraine. The advantages of using a mixed type of financing compared to traditional financing instruments have been revealed. It is concluded that in the conditions of war, in addition to attracting grant and credit resources, it is advisable for enterprises in Ukraine to use such an effective mechanism of mixed-type financing, namely: a combination of credit and grant resources, which will guarantee some stability in terms of financing their activities and protection from challenges and threats in the conditions of war. In the case of the opening of credit and grant programs for Ukrainian entrepreneurs, the latter have significant opportunities to strengthen and develop their business, optimize and modify it.


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How to Cite
Kobelia-Zvir, M., & Vovchak, O. (2024). GRANT AND LOAN TOOLS FOR BUSINESS SUPPORT IN WAR TIME. Transformational Economy, (1 (06), 27-32.