Keywords: competitiveness, hospitality facilities, competitive advantage, competitiveness criteria, quality of services, human resources of a hospitality facility


Today, the tourism and hospitality industries are important social, economic, and cultural categories that serve as the basis for the development of economies in many countries. Ukraine is no exception. Although the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation has left its mark on this sector of the economy, causing great losses, the situation has not changed globally and its development remains a priority today, especially in the context of Ukraine's vector towards European integration. This is what makes the chosen research topic relevant. Competition is a driving force for social and economic progress. In the current business environment in the market of hotel and tourist services, in order to maintain the competitiveness of a hospitality institution, it is necessary to implement a whole range of measures to form and consolidate competitive advantages. The competitiveness of a hospitality establishment must be sustainable not only in economic and environmental terms, but also in social, cultural and political terms. Thus, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, a large number of hospitality businesses have suspended operations for security reasons, lack of demand, technical reasons, or as a result of damage or destruction from shelling. At the same time, despite the widespread understanding of the importance of defining it, there is no uniformity in the scientific literature in understanding the criteria by which it should be determined. In the article, the author makes an attempt to systematize the existing criteria for the competitiveness of hospitality establishments and identify those that are important for the development of hospitality establishments. Using such research methods as analysis, synthesis and the systematic method, the author has determined that such criteria should include the following indicators: pricing features, quality of services and amenities, online presence, human resources, effectiveness of marketing strategies used, and the ability to adapt and minimize risks. By analyzing the activities of the company and competitors in this niche, owners will be able to ensure a high level of competitiveness of their company.


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