Keywords: control systems, critical infrastructure facilities, cybersecurity, risks, cyber threats


Adaptation of critical infrastructure management systems to modern security challenges is not only a key element of national security, but also an important condition for ensuring sustainable development of society in the context of globalization and growing technological dependence. This article offers an in-depth analysis of current issues and challenges related to critical infrastructure management, and develops comprehensive strategies for adapting to the changing security landscape. The article thoroughly examines the impact of modern threats on the functioning of critical infrastructure, including cyberattacks that could lead to significant disruptions in the operation of energy systems, transportation infrastructure, communications, and other critical components. The authors analyze the latest research and publications, covering the development of information security management methodologies, principles of designing automated control systems, methods of project risk management, and approaches to penetration testing. Particular attention is paid to the need to integrate technological, organizational, and legal tools to improve the efficiency, security, and sustainability of management systems. In this context, the importance of interagency cooperation is discussed, as well as the role of local communities and government agencies in managing critical infrastructure security. The authors emphasize the importance of ensuring compliance with international standards and norms, as well as the need to constantly update the regulatory framework to reflect the dynamics of the external environment. Successful adaptation of critical infrastructure management systems to modern security challenges requires a global approach that covers not only technological aspects but also organizational, legal, and training initiatives. It is important to create conditions for effective interaction between various stakeholders in the management process, including the private sector, government agencies, academia, and the public. Such integration will not only increase the overall level of security of critical infrastructure facilities, but also ensure their readiness to quickly adapt to new challenges and threats, thereby ensuring the uninterrupted provision of essential services and maintaining stability in society.


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