The general trends in the Ukrainian market of software for business processes in trade are determined, characterized by a high level of competition, the need for integrated solutions in trade automation, focus on cloud technologies, the emergence of many small companies in the market and the expansion of additional service options. Eight main stages of implementation of software for automation of business processes in trade are allocated and these stages are characterized. The practical implementation of the project for automation of business processes “Purchase of goods” and “Sales of goods” of the enterprise's trading activities using ERP FOSS is presented. The stages of the business process “Purchase of goods” at a trading enterprise that require automation are allocated: preparation of a request for a commercial offer; sending a request for a commercial offer to a supplier; order confirmation; registration of receipt of goods; receipt of an invoice and approval of an invoice. It is proposed to automate the business process of “Sales of goods” at the following stages: preparation of a commercial offer; sending a commercial offer to the client; confirmation of a commercial offer; creation of an invoice; registration of delivery of goods and formation of a consignment note; creation of an invoice and its confirmation. The general trends in the Ukrainian market of software for business processes in trade are determined, characterized by a high level of competition, the need for integrated solutions in trade automation, focus on cloud technologies, the emergence of many small companies in the market and the expansion of additional service options. Eight main stages of implementation of software for automation of business processes in trade are allocated and these stages are characterized. The practical implementation of the project for automation of business processes “Purchase of goods” and “Sales of goods” of the enterprise's trading activities using ERP FOSS is presented. The stages of the business process “Purchase of goods” at a trading enterprise that require automation are allocated: preparation of a request for a commercial offer; sending a request for a commercial offer to a supplier; order confirmation; registration of receipt of goods; receipt of an invoice and approval of an invoice. It is proposed to automate the business process of “Sales of goods” at the following stages: preparation of a commercial offer; sending a commercial offer to the client; confirmation of a commercial offer; creation of an invoice; registration of delivery of goods and formation of a consignment note; creation of an invoice and its confirmation.
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