Keywords: artificial intelligence, marketing, analytical marketing capabilities, technological marketing capabilities, strategic efficiency capabilities


The article is devoted to the study of marketing opportunities of enterprises based on the use of artificial intelligence. It is proved that artificial intelligence technologies provide marketers with advanced tools and knowledge that have led to an increase in efficiency, personalisation of offers and strategic decision-making. On the basis of generalisation of foreign literature sources, types of marketing opportunities are allocated, namely: analytical, technological and strategic efficiency capabilities. It has been found that analytical marketing capabilities refer to the ability to use artificial intelligence to analyse Big data, namely, customer data, market trends and consumer behaviour, increasing the effectiveness of marketing strategies. It is determined that analytical marketing capabilities cover two main areas: customer analysis using artificial intelligence (predictive analytics, segmentation and personalisation of consumers) and measuring marketing performance (use of artificial intelligence-based analytics tools, real-time performance tracking). The technological marketing capabilities are considered, which are focused on the application of artificial intelligence technologies to strengthen the marketing efforts of enterprises and to solve the ethical problems they cause. Their directions are defined: automated marketing strategies (programmatic advertising, chatbots and virtual assistants based on artificial intelligence) and ethical implications (data privacy and security, algorithmic bias and discrimination). The strategic efficiency capabilities, which focus on the use of artificial intelligence to optimise marketing operations and improve customer experience, are characterised. The areas of their research are identified: enhancing customer experience (use of extended reality and spatial computing, real-time customer assistance) and factors that influence the use of artificial intelligence in the marketing environment (advantages of early introduction of artificial intelligence in the marketing activities of enterprises, long-term benefits from the introduction of artificial intelligence).


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Cipresso P., Giglioli I. A. C., Raya M. A., Riva G. (2018) The past, present, and future of virtual and augmented reality research: A network and cluster analysis of the literature. Frontiers in Psychology, no. 9, p. 2086.

Kumar V., Dixit A., Javalgi R. G., Dass M. (2016) Research framework, strategies, and applications of intelligent agent technologies (IATs) in marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, no. 44, pp. 24–45.

Bhalla A. (2020) Why building consumer trust is the key to unlocking AI’s true potential. Available at: (accessed May 11, 2024).

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How to Cite
Zaiachkovska, H. (2024). MARKETING CAPABILITIES FOR ENTERPRISES BASED ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Transformational Economy, (2 (07), 17-22.