Keywords: grants, grant program, Nansen Program, Norwegian grants, EU grants, program opportunities, program requirements


The article explores the grant opportunities of the Nansen Program for strengthening civil society in Ukraine. It is demonstrated that the program provides opportunities for international, Norwegian and Ukrainian organizations to use grant instruments for projects to develop organizational capacity building. Emphasized: The Nansen Program plans to allocate a budget of NOK 70 million to several large-scale projects that will be implemented from 2024 to 2027. The study outlines the specific goals of the grant program: #1 to strengthen the organizational capacity of Ukrainian civil society organizations (CSOs); #2 to strengthen the capacity of Ukrainian CSOs to promote inclusive and sustainable recovery at all levels of government; #3 to strengthen the capacity of Ukrainian CSOs to engage in advocacy, policy-making, and oversight of democratic governance reforms. It is emphasized that specific objective #1 is mandatory for all projects, while the achievement of the second and third objectives is at the discretion of the applicant organization. It is emphasized that international, Norwegian, and Ukrainian organizations with proven experience in building the capacity of civil society organizations can apply for the grant, organizations through networking, trainings and small grants, while local Ukrainian organizations, such as non-governmental organizations, special interest groups (women's organizations), trade unions religious organizations, or independent media organizations can be partners in projects. The article emphasizes that network organizations and their consortia can attract grant funding for organizational development activities, trainings, networking, and small grants schemes. Based on the results of the study, a number of recommendations have been made for applicant organizations that want to use the grant. To summarize: as a result of the implementation of the projects supported by the Program, in the next three years, we can expect a significant increase in the capacity of Ukrainian civil society organizations to set and achieve development goals that will contribute to early recovery efforts and democratic recovery efforts and democratic governance reforms.


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How to Cite
Kobelia-Zvir, M. (1). NANSEN GRANTS TO STRENGTHEN CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN UKRAINE. Transformational Economy, (2 (07), 23-26.