Keywords: commercial bank, deposit, deposit operations, financial resources, liabilities, interest rate


The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the fact that current circumstances force domestic banks to search for the most optimal way to secure financial resources. From the point of view of guaranteeing the stability of the bank's activities in general and its resource base in particular, it is necessary to form the majority of its financial resources at the expense of term investments. However, in the context of the difficult political and economic instability in Ukraine due to the military actions, the majority of the population prefers to keep their savings "in hand" due to the uncertainty of the situation in the country on the one hand and distrust in banking institutions on the other. The purpose of the article is to study the current state and trends of the deposit market in Ukraine. The methodological basis of the study is general scientific and special research techniques and methods. The article provides a definition of deposit operations approved at the legislative level. The Regulation on the Procedure for Conducting Deposit Operations by Banks of Ukraine and Operations with Bank Savings Certificates considers deposit operations as bank operations to attract funds or bank metals from depositors to their accounts with a bank on a contractual basis or deposit of funds by depositors with their registration by savings (deposit) certificates. The place of deposit operations in the formation of the total volume of bank liabilities in the context of owners of savings, namely: business entities, individuals and non-bank financial institutions, is determined. The structure of banks' liabilities and time deposits placed by different categories of depositors in 2021-2023 is analyzed. In the structure of bank liabilities, the largest share is provided by time deposits of individuals. The ten leaders among the operating banks of Ukraine in terms of the volume of attracted deposits in general and by depositors, such as business entities and individuals, are identified. The current interest rates in the five banking institutions with the largest volumes of deposits were studied. Further research will be aimed at studying the foreign experience of managing the deposit portfolio of a commercial bank to determine the possibility of its implementation in domestic practice.


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How to Cite
Lopatovska, O., & Antonyukova, L. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT DEPOSIT MARKET IN UKRAINE. Transformational Economy, (2 (07), 39-44.