Keywords: environmental protection, greening of production, environmental policy, economic stimulation, financing of events, production enterprises


This article presents the scientific and theoretical approach for study of the consequences of environment protection policy implementation with regard to the mixed modern market economy as well as market instruments. Based on the analysis of the current state of natural components of social and economic life, the conclusion about a need for transformation for economic mechanism is drawn. At present, the social sphere in its development is directly connected with a condition of the natural environment. Environmental pollution is one of the negative results of economic activities. To safeguard the environmental safety nowadays is the most important aspect in formulation of socially oriented economy of the mixed type. The economic development must be accompanied by a corresponding process of greening production in all sectors of the national economy. Consequently, the economic activity undertaking in Ukraine actually are resulted in negative effects that reflect a sharp decline in quality of the natural environment, losses experienced by some individual economic entities, damage caused to the industries in some regions, and national economy at large. The necessity of functioning of national economy on the principles of a sustainable development considerably causes the actualization of the question of development and implementation of the motivational incentive mechanism of business entities in the realization of environmental activities areas. The author of the article describes the types and directions of application of motivational tools of the regional development management, pays an attention to problems of the environmentally policy in Ukraine. Current environmental pollution, generation and growth of industrial waste, poor environmental protection measures, insufficient use of environmental protection equipment significantly restrict the ability to meet social needs, reduce the competitiveness of domestic enterprises, lower the quality of people’s life, and state of natural resources. The existing economic mechanism of production is based on the market economy laws. Consequently, a comprehensive assessment of production efficiency requires the estimate of all, with no exception, costs related to production of each type of product or service. Natural components of production that do not have a value estimate, which are an integral part of technological processes, must also receive a value (monetary) term. Only the monetary accounting of all components of production both labor and of nature origin, is able to reveal the real social efficiency of each production, and economically stimulate the development of its technique and technology in line with rationalizing environmental management.


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